Fun Ways to Review With Your Child

It is so important for students to practice their math and literacy concepts inside and outside of the classroom!  There are so many great activities that you and your child can do at home if you'd like.  Below you can find some ideas!


You can take this activity and place it into a word document to print it.  With this activity, you and your child can design your own quilt.  If you draw the pattern of the quilt in the first box, your child could be challenged to keep the design/pattern of the quilt going throughout all of the boxes.  Get as artistic as you'd like!  Students should keep in mind what we have learned in class about patterns and symmetry!



I don't know about you, but I LOVE scavenger hunts!  We have scavenger hunts in our classroom often.  We can search for anything from items with certain measurements, colors, and things that rhyme with certain words.

Give your child a list of measurements.  They can be whatever you would like.  Then have your child go around the house finding items that they think will be equivalent to that measurement.  When they find items, come together and decide whether the measurement is equal to what they estimated.

You can also challenge your child to find more things than you can throughout the house.  Students love competition!  If you challenged your child to put their mind to work, they could be more likely to enjoy participating in this type of activity!


Reader's Theater right in your home!

Your child should be pretty familiar with Reader's Theater.  We have used this strategy many times in our classroom!  There are so many ways that you can use a Reader's Theater with different kinds of books.  

One idea:  Have your child select their favorite book.  The next part you can do in one of 2 ways.  For a theater, you need a script!  You can either create a script together or challenge your child to create a script that you can act out TOGETHER!  Your child will love to put together a show that you can perform for family and friends!  

In Reader's Theater, you don't have to memorize your lines!  The benefits of this activity are that your child will read the piece more than once, they will be writing something based on what they read, picking out important points, etc.  

Check out this site with reader submitted scripts for Reader's Theater:  Reader's Theater Scripts 

**Disclaimer: All of the scripts are submitted by other people.  Please be mindful of that when selecting a script to use.**
